​Hermit Thrush
Catharus guttatus

This little brown bird hops about quietly in the bushes; look closely to see the lovely spots on its breast, and listen for its sweet song that some have described as “oh, holy holy, ah, purity purity eeh, sweetly sweetly”.
Hermit Thrush
Chup, chup!
Hermit thrush,
you are so true to
your name, hiding so
well that your one giveaway
is a ripple, a rustle
in a crinkly carpet of leaves
beneath the trees,
as I strain my eyes
to see your creamy breast
half-speckled, a fawn
reversed, brown on pale chest.
Your tail, rusty red,
too, should be clear.
You're so close, but you choose
to let me fail in my quest.
As I said, you are true
to your name,
or perhaps I just have
my own eyes to blame.
Photo Credit: Alan Sparkman
Video Credit: Amanda Sparkman