Breeding Birds of Westmont
Twenty-six bird species have been documented breeding at Westmont as of Spring 2020, and there are undoubtedly more. We consider nests, eggs, nestlings, and fledglings evidence of breeding behaviour. Note that all explorations of nests should follow an ethical code of conduct as outlined by NestWatch.
15. European starling
16. Great horned owl
17. House finch
18. Mourning dove
19. Northern mockingbird
20. Oak titmouse
21. Red-tailed hawk
22. Song sparrow
23. Spotted towhee
24. Western bluebird
25. White-breasted nuthatch
26. Nutmeg mannikin
27. Northern flicker
1. Acorn woodpecker
2. American crow
3. Anna's hummingbird
4. Bewick's wren
5. Black phoebe
6. Blue-grey gnatcatcher
7. Brown-headed cowbird
8. Bushtit
9. California quail
10. California scrub jay
11. California towhee
12. Cliff swallow
13. Cooper's hawk
14. Dark-eyed junco