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The wettest weather on campus brings the mushrooms out in leaf litter and on lawns, and the lichens glow bright and green on the oak trees after a winter rain.  We'd love to add to our list of these often elusive species--so please keep keep looking down, and let us know what you see!

"Turkey-tail Fungus" by Annalise Henderson (!st Place, Westmont Biodiversity Art Contest)


Bolete Mushrooms

Lattice Stinkhorn

Splitgill Mushroom

Turkey-tail Fungus

Hairy Curtain Crust

Shaggy Mane

Western Hardwood Sulphur Shelf

Common Fieldcap

Golden Milkcap

Green-spored Parasol

Milky Conecap

Mustard Yellow Polypore

Oak-loving Gymnopus

Purple-egg Stinkhorn

Stubble Rosegill

Bird's Nest Fungus

Coprinellus radians

Mulch Maid

Bolbitius titubans

Redhead Roundhead

Witch's Butter

Bolete Mold
Coprinopsis ulignicola


Common Greenshield Lichen

Oakmoss Lichen

Slime Molds

Dog Vomit Slime

Paul Willis

No Competition


The high-strung net behind home plate

is softened by some wisps of lichen.

Year by year the tufts grow deeper,


filamenting, elfin beards that strand

our view.  Eventually, all we’ll see

is the double play of algae and fungi,


a gray-green wall that separates

us from the field but joins us

to the long surprises of this world.


—under submission

Paul Willis

Lattice Stinkhorn

(Clathrus ruber) 


At first I thought you a piece of orange

construction fence, trapped in the ground.

But you were too shapely for that, 

appearing and then disappearing into the litter 

of oak leaves.  Then there was the smell,

the stench of slime within your bulbous cage—

that spore-bearing slime, your gleba—

wafting the scent of rotting meat, 

poison to the human tongue but nectar

to the flies who come to celebrate and spread 

your seed.  In America, you are described 

as a whiffleball, as an alien from outer space.  

In Yugoslavia, witch's heart.

There, your ovules, before they burst,

are pickled and eaten: devil's eggs.

Do I wish to dine in Yugoslavia?  I do not.

But you have arrived on your own terms,

and I welcome you, bubbling

your infested baskets under the trees.


—under submission

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