Dark-Eyed Junco
Junco hyemalis
Photo Credit: Alan Sparkman (1), Carrie Steingruber (2)
This small, distinctive member of the sparrow family is easily identified by its black head, and black-and-white flash of tail feathers as it flies off from foraging along the ground. Juncos can be seen all over campus, and are one of the clearest, persistent singers in the dawn chorus. They nest low to the ground—and sometimes in unusual places, such as in a water fountain, or under an old tire. See the Breeding Birds page for pictures of junco eggs and nestlings.
Dark-eyed Junco
You spend the day
flying away,
eyes on display
for all to see.
Feathers like ash
quick as a flash
across-path dash,
suddenly free.
Head turning, you
choose either to
fly from the blue
or hop, two, three
gone, nearly trod
on. I am awed
at your quite flawed
logic, you see?
Are you scared or brave?
Still waiting for
shoes on your head
instead? Please flee!
Audio Credit: Amanda Sparkman